Who are they?
Brighton and Hove Green Party stand for action on the climate crisis. Action on the rising costs of living. Action for a fairer Brighton & Hove.
What was the problem?
The Party wanted to reach and engage a much wider audience with local politics. They didn’t want to do this in the traditional way of grabbing attention by talking about council budgets. We needed to improve the public’s understanding of the budget process, what challenges there were and their impacts, whilst getting people from a variety of backgrounds, identities and communities to engage with them. We had to encourage them to engage with a topic that had previously been seen as very niche and only for a very limited group of people.
How did we help?
We worked with Brighton and Hove Green Party on an Inclusive Communications plan. We initially held a workshop to understand the key messages, the different audiences and what was it about the budget that really mattered to them. We also confirmed what they wanted to achieve from this project, and what success would look like to them. We conducted audience research, and developed targeted, inclusive and accessible content to resonate with those audiences, on platforms that mattered to them. We supported The Party to make sure that their website, and their social media content was accessible, and inclusive and we provided them with their best practice guidelines.
How is it going?
Brighton and Hove saw some significant results after the implementation of their Inclusive Communications plan.
- Their reach increased by 108%
- Their engagement increased by 79%
- Sentiment was 98% positive
- They were talking to new audiences
Hear it from them…
At Brighton & Hove Green party, we were delighted to work with Watch this Sp_ce. We commissioned their inclusive marketing services on a project in 2021 and were very happy with the results.
- Hannah Allbrooke, former Deputy Council Leader of Brighton & Hove