We are on a mission to help people to Work Better Together with different types of people We’ve created some free resources to help you build a more inclusive, innovative, productive and successful workplace.

Quick Wins for Inclusive Cultures

97% of HR leaders say that their organisation’s culture needs work, and embedding culture within your organisation increases productivity, engagement and retention. But how do you get started? This free guide will help you generate quick wins to build momentum.

Download the guide

What Do We Mean By…

Confused by the terminology around diversity and inclusion? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Download our free What Do We Mean By… dictionary, and learn some of the key concepts that will enrich your understanding or support meaningful action.

Download the dictionary

The Inclusion Strategy Checklist

The ultimate guide to putting together a diversity and inclusion strategy that leads to meaningful, measurable action.

7 Tips to Work Better Together

86% of leaders say lack of collaboration is causing failure. This 20-minute FREE webinar, offers 7 simple tips to improve collaboration in your team.

Job Advert Builder

Your template to a truly inclusive and engaging job advert. We’ve compiled a list of every element you need to include to attract a wide range of candidates.

Whitepaper: The Inclusivity Imperative

In partnership with Sussex Innovation Centre

Why businesses can, and must, drive greater diversity, inclusion and belonging

Click here to download the whitepaper

Why are all the same people applying for your jobs?

Recruiting diverse teams is essential for innovation, creativity and future-proofing. If you are struggling to attract diverse candidates, this session is for you!

This could have been an email: reimagining meetings

Take a look at how to make meetings work better, by encouraging more varied inputs, enabling everyone to contribute, and using other ways to collaborate.

The Beginner’s Guide to Flexible Working

How can you implement flexible working in a sustainable, effective way to improve your organisation’s results?

How Can Businesses Respond to Black Lives Matter?

How can businesses respond to Black Lives Matter?

What can your organisation do to respond to the global demand for equality of opportunity?

Watch the free webinar

Making Work Flexible

Learn how your organisation can fully embrace flexible working and be ready for the new world of work.

Writing Inclusive Job Ads

nthuse and Watch This Sp_ce give you the tools and knowledge to write inclusive, engaging job ads every time.

Watch the free webinar

What is Inclusive Marketing?

Is your marketing inadvertently telling some people that your brand is not for them?

Download the guide

Inclusive Recruitment Guide

How can you attract different types of people to your job vacancies?

Download the free guide