Who are they?

Brighton Students’ Union is a supportive, representative, and fully independent charity run by students, for students. Their goal is to support all 21,000 students at the University of Brighton, by working with the Uni and ensure that the students are at the forefront of every major decision they take. 

University of Brighton, Cockcroft Building

What was the problem?

They first approached us as they wanted to ensure they were doing everything they could to be an inclusive organisation. Brighton Students Union felt they needed to ensure they were representing and serving the diverse student body at the University of Brighton, but were unsure on where to start or what actions they could make that would make an impact.

How did we help?

One of our Co-Founders Allegra, worked closely with Brighton Students Union by starting off with our Inclusion Journey Mapping process. Allegra assessed their processes, policies and representation of staff across the organisation. She also analysed staff surveys, and mapped out their Inclusion Journeys. 

University of Brighton Students Union

How is it going?

Brighton Students Union now have tangible goals that they are working towards, with an action plan in place. They can see measurable progress being made, and can demonstrate to their staff, and their students, that they are making a genuine commitment to inclusion. After we mapped out their Inclusion Journey, we also went on to do further training with Brighton Students Union . They are taking the steps that matter to their community, which has increased engagement with the inclusion strategy, and improved their overall reputation. 

Hear it from them…

“We recently instructed Watch This Sp_ce to conduct a Diversity and Inclusivity Audit on our organisation and we are really pleased with the results.

Whilst the outcomes were very good, there is always room for improvement and Mo and Allegra have provided us with some excellent ideas of how we can make ourselves more inclusive than we currently are. We immediately identified from the Audit that our team would benefit from some training on neurodiversity and whilst it’s early days, the feedback we’ve received so far has been excellent.

Overall the level of service we’ve received from both Mo and Allegra has been great and it’s reassuring to know that they are there to discuss ideas if we want. The audit was money well spent so thanks Mo and Allegra.”

Jaci Baker, Director of Human Resources