58% of jobseekers look for diversity and inclusion in potential employers.

39% won’t even apply for a position if they don’t believe that the organisation is inclusive.

Inclusive Recruitment Programme

We can equip your team with all the tools and knowledge you need to implement more inclusive practices for attracting, recruiting and onboarding a wide range of top talent.


Recognise the benefits of inclusion

Learn inclusive recruitment practices

Understand inclusive communication


The impact of unconscious bias

Planning and evaluating applicants

Interviews and next steps


Application assessment guide

Interview process guide

Onboarding recommendations


Recommended recruitment tools

Inclusive advertising platforms

Job advert templates

All of this at a cost of just £4,750*

*Based on a recruitment team of no more than 20 people attending each session. If you would like training for more people, contact us for a price at hello@watchthisspace.uk

Our programme has been built using elements that we know make a tangible impact, but each element is tailored to your organisation, your needs and your unique strengths and challenges.

Get certified as an Inclusive Recruiter

Certification as an Inclusive Recruiter gives you and your team confidence in your processes and practices, and sends a powerful message to potential applicants and your wider audience that you are committed to inclusion.

Once you have completed our Inclusive Recruitment programme, you can apply to become Watch This Sp_ce certified as an Inclusive Recruiter. We will review your policies and processes, as well as observing and assessing your practices, and award certification if you meet our standards. Certification is valid for 12 months and can be renewed annually.

Certification costs just £500.

After your initial certification is awarded, renewal costs just £100 per year.

Ready to get started?

Fill in the form below and we’ll begin your journey to more inclusive, impactful recruiting.