Congratulations on your progress on your inclusion journey.

Click the button below to purchase access to the Level Two assessment.

Once your purchase is complete, you will be sent the link straight away to complete your assessment. Following your assessment submission, the Watch This Sp_ce team will review your results. If you pass, we will send you your accreditation. If not, you will receive a detailed action plan to enable you to pass the assessment next time.

You will only ever have to pay for Level Two once.

After you receive your initial result and action plan, you can complete the assessment as many times as it takes for you to pass.

Please note that the Watch This Sp_ce team may ask to see certain documentation to verify your situation before awarding certification.

Buy Inclusion Journey Level Two

Level Two assessment: £595

VAT: £119

Total: £714

If you have any questions about the Inclusion Journey, don’t hesitate to contact us at