Who are they?
PlusX creates collaborative spaces and provides support for businesses driving positive impact. Through inspiring workspaces, state-of-the-art specialist facilities, innovation programmes for any size of business, and extensive member events, their spaces are designed for you to collaborate and make a difference.
What was the problem?
PlusX felt they needed a clear direction on how they could develop their diversity and inclusion. They wanted to ensure they had an inclusive environment for their staff, but had no idea where to start or what would make the biggest impact for their teams.
How did we help?
We completed an Inclusion Journey Map for PlusX. We used data analysis, surveys, interviews, performance evaluation and reviews of processes, policies and working methods. Our unique inclusion framework enables us to look at diversity, inclusion and belonging holistically, taking into account all aspects of an organisation and how it works with and for leaders, staff, clients, customers, contributors, other stakeholders, and the wider community.
How is it going?
Now, PlusX are really happy they have a clear idea of where they are now, and a benchmark from which to measure their progress. They also have a clear idea of exactly what they want to achieve as well as a tangible action plan to get them there. We also assisted PlusX on their implementation. We’ve completed a Policy Review to help them put in place all the policies they need to create a solid foundation for the inclusive environment they want to build. They are currently going through our Inclusive Recruitment training programme, at the end of which they’ll be certified Inclusive Recruiters. This will help them attract the top talent in a competitive environment, and build a diverse team as they enter a period of accelerated growth.